Keep Dunedin Beautiful Cleanup

Keep Dunedin Beautiful Cleanup

Fletcher House guides Sandy Pantall, Elspeth McLean,  Herman Van Velthoven participated in the Keep Dunedin Beautiful Cleanup – Portobello Rd and pathways between Fletcher House and Solar Tce


Richard Good and Paul Valk of the  Broad Bay Boating Club – the club participated in the Keep Dunedin Beautiful Cleanup – their working bee covered from Matariki Street, the boat park through the reserve and on the shoreline,  not only picking up litter but also weed eating areas and tidying up area adjacent to the club.  



2014 Broad Bay School clean up around local bus stop. Last year we got three times the amount of rubbish. There is still a lot of stuff being dumped by the clothing bin.

School 1

School 2

School 3

Submitted by Christine Garey, Chairperson, OPCB

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