October 2014 Newsletter

October 2014 Newsletter

Please click on the following link (or scroll down) to view our most recent, full-length newsletter:

BBCC News Oct 2014


Newsletter October 2014

Hi Broad Bay Community.

We have made some changes to the distribution of the newsletter. In our efforts to be eco-friendly and in light of our very tight budget, the 2-monthly newsletter will now be posted on the community notice board (corner Clearwater and Portobello Road), on the BBCC website, and on our Facebook page. [Submissions from local groups–e.g. OPCB, STOP, School—or time-sensitive items will also be posted online immediately as soon as they are received.]

**Anyone who cannot access the online sites or get to the notice board can still request a paper copy be delievered by phoning Lynley on 4780829.


The “Meet the candidates” meeting last month was very successful, with 5 candidates and over 50 community members attending. Neville Peat was a fantastic host, keeping the candidates and audience under control with some controversial topics. The evening finished off with a supper and a chance to speak to the candidates personally. We hope everyone was better able to make their election choices after the evening!


Broad Bay School News

As usual School is a busy place with lots happening.  The Casino night run by our FOBBS group was a great success – many thanks to our loyal supporters who came along on the night.  We have also had a pot luck tea at the community hall.  The children in Room 1 – the senior classroom –  are continuing with their garden projects and one experiment is seeing how plants respond if you talk nicely or badly to them.

2 pupils have been on a Science programme at the Aquarium working with Marine Scientists.    The Juniors have been doing little Science experiments such as things you would find in the kitchen e.g. vinegar.

The Te Mua group have performed their item at the Maori and Pacific Island Festival alongside the other 2 Peninsula Schools.

Some of our girls have attended a girls soccer tournament at the Stadium.  We are looking forward to summer sports including our athletic sports, cricket and we will use the Portobello Pool for our swimming programme.

Next term we visit Penguin Place and the Cross farm as part of a Social Studies unit on Spring on the Farm.

Thanks to Jim McKay who takes the classes for recorder once a week.   Welcome back to Sandra – our senior volunteer who helps with reading and writing 2 mornings a week.   If you want to volunteer your time to help at school then please give us a ring on 4780-706.

If you have moved to Broad Bay and have pre-preschoolers it would be helpful if you got in touch – we have  pre-school get together  on a Friday morning in Room 4 – a good chance to get to meet other Mum’s as well.

Thank you

John Goulstone (Principal)


Otago Peninsula Community Board Update

There is plenty of positive news to celebrate…….. 

Congratulations to:

  • Lox Kellas – a long serving member of the community board, who has been awarded, Communication & Incident Volunteer of the Year, Coastguard Southern Region
  • Larnach Castle – for winning Excellence in Customer Service at the NZ Hospitality Awards recently
  • STOP on the launch of their “Otago Peninsula Birds – A pocket guide” which the Board supported with a grant
  • Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Trust who were recently awarded a $136,000 DOC grant for its possum eradication work
  • Broad Bay School, Broad Bay Boating Club and Fletcher House guides who participated in the recent Keep Dunedin Beautiful Clean-up and all those unsung local people who pick up litter on a regular basis – a great effort and thank you for the pride you show in our beautiful Otago Peninsula!

You will have read in the ODT that a feature film is to be partly shot on the Peninsula and that the Targa Rally will be held here also, both putting the Otago Peninsula on the map.

However, the most exciting news of recent times is DCC’s investigation into the feasibility of accelerating the Portobello/Harrington Point Road Safety Improvement Project (aka the Peninsula Cycleway). This significant development shows real commitment by the DCC to exploring the possibility of completing the project in a much shorter timeframe. By the end of October we should have an indication but certainty would not be secured until March/April next year. However, I am very encouraged and especially since meeting with the consultants this week who have been engaged to do this investigation. I believe that completing the project in a much shorter time than is currently planned, is a very real possibility now and every one of you who made the effort of submit to the Annual Plan can take credit for that even being considered. With the nearly 600 submissions DCC received on this project, the common theme was, finish the project and finish it soon!   Congratulations to Korena Paterson, Sean Hogan and Zoe Mitchell and all of you who participated in the submission process especially the pupils of Broad Bay School – your letters, drawings, and appearance at the Council hearings, made a huge impression and won the day! Your efforts definitely made a difference!

Turnbulls Bay Slip Repair – the new temporary traffic management was put in place after feedback about ongoing problems with the traffic lights. It seems to be working well to keep traffic flowing but some drivers are not slowing down enough! The construction project is well behind schedule but I have been assured that “the tenders are programmed to be called on 27 September. It is anticipated that site work would start in early November. This will be very tight completion by Christmas but this is still the target”.   The Board will monitor this timing very closely.

ORC Bus Service Review – recently the Board made a detailed submission regarding Peninsula bus services, especially around local considerations. All the signs are that this review will bring positive changes.

Submissions invited for

  • Draft Dunedin Arts & Culture Strategy 2104 – consultation closes 3 Oct.
  • Statement of Proposal Local Alchohol Policy – consultation closes 10 Oct

OPCB Meeting

Our last meeting for the year: 10am Thursday 13th November, Portobello Bowling Club. Deadline for grant applications to be considered at that meeting, is 31st October (details on the DCC website).

Christine Garey


Otago Peninsula Community Board

 BBCC Ad Oct-Dec 2014


Main Hall:             Hourly Rate: $11 per hour Whole Day: $85           Whole Evening: $85

Etheridge Rooms: Hourly Rate: $11 per hour             Whole Day: $50           Whole Evening: $50

A returnable bond equal to the hire fee applies in all cases.

Excessive use of power, or damage to premises or property, may incur extra charges.

Evening hire includes some time the following morning (prior to 12.00) to clean the Hall.

Hire of the Hall includes use of all the miscellaneous items as listed:

Piano, indoor bowling equipment, table tennis table, kitchen items, etc.


Broad Bay Community Centre Inc Committee Members

Jane Ashman                     4780 440           50 Bacon St                      jane.ashman@otago.ac.nz

Lynley McGrannachan      4780 829           17 King George St             llkkf@vodafone.co.nz

Christine Obbeek       4780 584                  19 Francis St                   chris.obbeek@windowslive.com

Kim and Matt Morgan     4781234            691 Portobello Rd           kekemorgan27@gmail.com

Robin Harvey                 4780057            2 Roebuck Rise              rsharveynz@yahoo.com

Heather Collier               4780773            2 Clearwater St                   N/A

Shukuru                         4780176             Portobello Road

Contact Christine for bookings and Lynley for newsletter items.


Subscriptions: Thank you to all those that have already paid the 2014 subscription. Subscriptions provide the Broad Bay Community Centre with a much needed source of revenue—helping us keep the cost of hiring the hall and equipment as low as possible.  Like last year, each paid membership will receive a voucher for 1 free hour of hire (of the Hall, or the smaller Etheridge room at the back). This means for an individual membership fee of $7.50, you will receive a free hour of hire worth $11; or 2 free hours worth $22 with a family membership of $15.  Vouchers expire at the end of the financial year (30 June 2015); and as always, bookings will be on a first-in-first-served basis. Subscriptions can be paid by:


  • Cheque made payable to “Broad Bay Community Centre”
  • Direct credit to 03 0903 0380753 00   Please ensure “Subs” and “Your Name(s)” are noted.

We still need you to complete + return the form below for our records, a receipt and your voucher(s)!

Thank you! The Broad Bay Community Centre Committee

Please return completed forms to: Jane Ashman (BBCC Treasurer), 50 Bacon Street, Broad Bay, 9014

Name: ______________________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________

Telephone: __________________________________________________________

Email: ______________________________________________________________

Amount paid: _________($7.50 per person or $15 per household per year. Donations welcome!)

I have paid by q Direct Credit (give date): _________   q Cheque (please attach)

We welcome your suggestions for events and activities!

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