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Broad Bay Community Centre Newsletter

Line Dancing Classes

Line Dancing Classes

LINE DANCING TASTER CLASSES – Broad Bay Hall – Starts Wednesday 22 May No experience and no partner necessary. A variety of music to dance to. Come along and have some fun.   Classes will be led by teacher Judy Collins.  The first of 5 sessions is on Wednesday 22nd May at 7.30pm.  More will follow later in the year if it takes off in Broad Bay. $5 per session.

Working Bee Photos

Working Bee Photos

Thank you to everyone who turned up for the working bee on 8th January 2023. We trimmed hedges, mowed lawns, cut branches, weed-ate the weeds, cleared and mended gutters, vacuumed, cleaned kitchen and bathrooms. I only took photos at the end of the session, so have missed some of the important helpers, but here are a few …

Working Bee – Sunday 7 January 2024

Working Bee – Sunday 7 January 2024

Join us for a New Year working bee at the Broad Bay Community Centre this Sunday, 7th January 2024 from 10am to 1pm. There is a range of maintenance tasks that need tackling, including hedge trimming, weed eating, lawn mowing, window cleaning, cupboard tidying, cleaning and mending gutters and painting. We would LOVE some help.  It is amazing what a team of willing workers can get through in three hours 🙂  Plus it is a good chance to have a chat…

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Looking Back, Moving Forward event a big success!

Looking Back, Moving Forward event a big success!

“A marvellous exhibition.  Thank you.  Well done all.”“A great social event.  Need more of these.  Bravo!““What an amazing afternoon tea you put on. Beautifully set up too.““An absolute credit to those who put the exhibition together.  Lots of memories.”“A fascinating exhibition – especially to us relative “newbies” to the Bay.  Thank you.”“To all those involved in the Looking Back Moving forward Exhibition – a great show – congratulations – a massive amount of work. you must be happy and proud…

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Historic Broad Bay Exhibition Planning Meeting (Thursday 14 September @7:30pm)

Historic Broad Bay Exhibition Planning Meeting (Thursday 14 September @7:30pm)

Broad Bay – Whaka Oho Rahi – Looking Back, Moving ForwardFriday 20th to Sunday 29th October 2023 (incorporates Labour weekend) The next meeting to progress the planning of this event is Thursday 14th September, 7.30pm at Broad Bay Hall. All welcome! The historic photographic exhibition will be open to the public from Saturday 21st to Sunday 29th October, and as part of the event, a Broad Bay Gala Day has now been scheduled for Sunday 22nd October 2023. The Gala…

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Historic Broad Bay Exhibition Planning Meeting (Thur 24 August @7:30pm)

Historic Broad Bay Exhibition Planning Meeting (Thur 24 August @7:30pm)

Broad Bay – Whaka Oho Rahi – Looking Back, Moving ForwardFriday 20th to Sunday 29th October 2023 (incorporates Labour weekend) The next meeting to progress the planning of this event is Thursday 24th August, 7.30pm at Broad Bay Hall. All welcome! We are seeking volunteers to assist in setting up the exhibition, and to help fill in some time slots on the roster during the event itself. If you have a couple of hours to spare in October and would…

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Historic Broad Bay Exhibition Planning Meeting (Thur 27 July @7:30pm)

Historic Broad Bay Exhibition Planning Meeting (Thur 27 July @7:30pm)

Broad Bay – Whaka Oho Rahi – Looking Back, Moving ForwardFriday 20th to Sunday 29th October 2023 (incorporates Labour weekend) 2023 is a year of note for Broad Bay: 175 years since the official European settlement of the area, 100 years since the Boat Club was founded, and 75 years since the Polish Church was moved here. We are planning an exhibition to highlight the heritage of the area and to show how it has changed over the years. The…

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