Highcliff Rd Slip Repairs
A number of slips have occurred on Highcliff Road over the last few years, damaging the road significantly. From 17 July to 29 September, work to repair the damage caused by three of the slips will take place, along with improvements to the road’s general resilience and safety.
During this period it will be necessary to close Highcliff Road between Camp Road and Seaton Road, with access for residents only.
We are mindful of the inconvenience this road closure creates for residents, those in the Otago Peninsula tourist industry and the general public, so we have timed the work for the quietest time of the year.
* Seal Point Road will be accessible from Pukehiki by residents only. A road closure will be located after the driveway on the Portobello side of 1165 Highcliff Road.
* Residents on Highcliff Road above the township of Portobello will have access via Portobello. A road closure will be located on the Portobello side of 1299 Highcliff Road.
* Sandymount Road will not be accessible from Highcliff Road. All resident access will be via Allans Beach Road/Hoopers Inlet Road.
An assessment of Highcliff Road indicates that the landslips occurred due to a combination of steep topography, and poor drainage, as might be expected on a road that was cut into the hillside well over 100 years ago. Culverts in the road closure zone will be replaced as part of this project to bring them up to standard, and the remaining low-risk culverts along other sections of Highcliff Road will be replaced over the next four years as part of general maintenance work.
In the five year period between 2012-2016 a total of 28 crashes have been reported on Highcliff Road, so we are taking this opportunity to improve its safety. Within the road closure zone, timber guard railing will be installed on the outer edge of the road beside drops offs and where slip repairs have been completed. Wire rope guard railing will be installed at the Soldiers’ Monument section of the road.
Regular updates will be provided throughout the project to keep you up to date. If you have any questions, please contact us on 03 477 4000 or transportation.safety@dcc.govt.nz.
Yours sincerely
Josh Von Pein

[pdf-embedder url=”https://broadbay.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Highcliff-Road-Closure-Map.pdf” title=”Highcliff Road Closure Map”]