Kia ora and Happy New Year!
Some months ago I mooted the idea of holding another exhibition featuring historic photos and stories about Broad Bay, similar to one first held at the Broad Bay Hall almost 25 years ago, then again in 2009. I felt it would be timely with many changes happening and new people coming to live in Broad Bay. I’ve discussed this with a couple of interested people, and if possible we would like to hold the exhibition at the end of February or March this year.
We still have most of the previous displays (in need of some attention), we have digital copies of historic photos and copies of booklets and histories that were produced for previous exhibitions. We would like to enhance this with new displays from local organisations – eg the Broad Bay School, Boat Club, Church, etc and new photos of the area, the houses, people and events such as regattas or school parties.
What we need is YOUR help and enthusiasm to make this happen.
We would like to invite you to a meeting of interested parties at Broad Bay Community Centre (Clearwater Street).
There are many ways to help – from providing material and preparing displays and posters, to giving cover when the exhibition is open. We will also need some people who are handy with saws and drills to put stands together.
Please come along to our meeting. Whether you are new to the Bay or have lived here all your life – we need you!
7.30pm on Wednesday 11th January 2023
at Broad Bay Community Centre
Kind regards