Rei Owens Memorial Seat (9th July 2pm), plus tyres to give away
Hi everyone,
Peninsula Pony club have commissioned a memorial seat to be erected in front of the Portobello Domain (the soccer field next to where Pony club is held in Portobello).
We would like to welcome all that would like to attend an official opening of this seat on Sunday the 9th July at 2pm at the domain followed by an afternoon tea.
Please bring any photo’s and memories of Mrs Rei Owens as this is an afternoon to celebrate and remember her amazing commitment to pony clubs and love of horse’s and children.
Please RSVP to Jackie or phone 4780508 so that we can get an idea of numbers to cater for.
Look forward to seeing you there.
Also please help pony club find a new home for all these tyres, they are located on Harington Point Rd on your way to Otakou I can arrange to have gate opened for people to pick up just contact me. The club is looking at a huge expense to take the tyres to the tip, so if you need some even just a few it would be really appreciated.
Regards Jackie