April 2015 Newsletter
Please click on the link below to open a PDF copy of the April 2015 BBCC Newsletter. Lots of great projects–and a community party–are afoot, so please give it a read! April 2015 Newsletter
Please click on the link below to open a PDF copy of the April 2015 BBCC Newsletter. Lots of great projects–and a community party–are afoot, so please give it a read! April 2015 Newsletter
I am writing to ask if, as an individual or representing an organisation or both, you would be prepared to support this project by making a submission to Council for what we hope will be the last time? We have come a very long way in a year……. The only hurdles left, are the DCC’s Long Term Plan process and NZTA who make the final decision in July. It is through the willingness of individuals like yourselves to express your views, the advocacy…
Have your say on how you are represented in local government The representational review team will be at the Farmers market on Saturday 11th April 9-11am and Monday 20th April 7pm in the Dunningham Suite at the city library. This is your chance to give your views on the ward system, number of councillors, etc. Otago Peninsula Community Board
Please click on the link below to see a .doc about TexOtago’s 1st Friday Schedule for the coming months: 1st Fri in 2015
Please click on the link below to open a .doc with updates from OPCB Chairperson, Christine Garey: BBCC Newsletter
Please click on the link below to open a PDF version of an update re: the Turnbulls Bay slip site and retaining wall works (to be completed mid-May 2015): Turnbulls Bay Residents Notice 250315
The DCC is working on a Long Term Plan to help make Dunedin one of the world’s great small cities. Please click on the link below to open a PDF flyer for information sessions and feedback forums to have YOUR say! Peninsula Advert A5 Landscape
STOP (Save The Otago Peninsula) Inc Soc is a local environmental group that offers opportunities for assistance with practical conservation work. Regular working bees are held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings in the Broad Bay area. One is a freshwater creek enhancement project and the other is in a DOC Scientific Reserve. Other working bees are held in the weekend once a month. For more details, contact Lala Frazer, phone 478 0339, or text mobile 022 437 0799, or email lala.frazer@gmail.com Smiths Creek related…
WANTED GOOD QUALITY BOOKS FOR THE BROAD BAY SCHOOL BOOK SALE On THURSDAY 26th MARCH 5-8pm We need fiction and non-fiction, children’s and adults’ pre-loved books. If you have some to donate, please drop them off at Broad Bay School during school hours, or phone Ness on 4781119 to arrange pick up. Put it in your diary now, Thursday 26th March, the Biggest Booksale out of town!
The Otago Regional Transport Committee (RTC) is pleased to notify, for public consultation, the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-21. A copy of the plan is attached, and is also available from www.orc.govt.nz . The committee is seeking public feedback on the draft, and submissions are invited by 5:30 pm Friday 6 March 2015. A submission form is attached. The RTC, which is preparing this plan on behalf of the Otago Regional Council, has representatives from all councils in Otago and from the NZ…