Ping Pong

Join us for fun and frivolity – The Art of Ping Pong (slang for Table Tennis)
Saturday mornings, 10 am—12 noon
at Broad Bay Community Centre, Clearwater Street.
No charge for the month of October.
(However, a reminder to all that the first Saturday in November is the Boating Club’s rummage sale instead.)
All equipment supplied.
Don’t worry if you’ve never played.
Don’t worry – you’re never too old, or too young – no age discrimination here.
Learn the ancient sport – no it’s not from China, it’s English!
Have fun, learn, and compete, and improve your wellbeing at the same time. If there is enough interest we will have a Broad Bay street competition – the best player from each street competes in a Grand Final – yes with a prize.
And in terms of older folk, don’t forget, research shows table tennis is excellent for ageing minds/ bodies: it opens up neurological pathways; lowers risk of dementia; increases the thickness of the brain associated with complex thinking (which shrinks most as we age); good for memory attention, mood; easy on the joints; improves reflexes & co-ordination; aerobic workout involving upper and lower body. Best that you smile and laugh lots while you play too – even anticipating laughter triggers stress reduction and immunity boosting.
(From: The Age Well Project by Annabel Streets and Susan Saunders.)